## Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) :
## object 'type_sum.accel' not found
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# library(rjson)
# library(readxl)
This document describes the process of saving and exporting VPR data in a format which is easy to produce, and meets international data expectations of being, open source and accessible. It will describe the process of saving data outputs, cover recommended formats, metadata and data naming suggestions, and more. Note that this is specific to data produced and shared by researchers at Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO), but the references may be helpful to a wider audience.
VPR data can be represented in many forms. In this document we will focus on two formats of final data products, which include environmental & abundance data, in wide and long tables. In both forms, abundance has been calculated by classification category and some relevant metadata has been added.
The long format of data looks like
## depth min_depth max_depth depth_diff min_time_s max_time_s
## bad_image_blurry.1 1 0.7012599 1.333086 0.6318261 22454.28 22455.81
## bad_image_blurry.2 51 50.1900481 51.374062 1.1840139 22516.03 22517.43
## bad_image_blurry.3 53 52.2655387 53.817433 1.5518939 22519.79 22521.84
## bad_image_blurry.4 55 55.0559644 55.839339 0.7833749 22522.60 22524.81
## bad_image_blurry.5 57 56.7109645 57.928655 1.2176907 22525.94 22527.83
## bad_image_blurry.6 4 3.8206964 4.339441 0.5187443 22458.24 22459.92
## time_diff_s n_roi_bin conc_m3 temperature salinity density
## bad_image_blurry.1 1.528 0 0 16.8446000 27.09709 19.49410
## bad_image_blurry.2 1.401 0 0 0.4194333 31.98277 25.65109
## bad_image_blurry.3 2.048 0 0 0.4773000 32.04410 25.69756
## bad_image_blurry.4 2.202 0 0 0.4776000 32.07135 25.71949
## bad_image_blurry.5 1.889 0 0 0.4716500 32.08685 25.73228
## bad_image_blurry.6 1.679 0 0 16.8155333 27.09840 19.50157
## fluorescence turbidity time_hr n_frames vol_sampled_bin_m3
## bad_image_blurry.1 85.20000 40.20000 6.237459 10 0.000836630
## bad_image_blurry.2 54.33333 23.66667 6.254662 3 0.000250989
## bad_image_blurry.3 70.00000 40.00000 6.255783 2 0.000167326
## bad_image_blurry.4 52.00000 46.50000 6.256585 2 0.000167326
## bad_image_blurry.5 53.50000 48.50000 6.257468 2 0.000167326
## bad_image_blurry.6 68.00000 48.00000 6.238705 3 0.000250989
## time_ms towyo max_cast_depth category
## bad_image_blurry.1 22454852 ascending_1 57.92866 bad_image_blurry
## bad_image_blurry.2 22516784 ascending_1 57.92866 bad_image_blurry
## bad_image_blurry.3 22520818 ascending_1 57.92866 bad_image_blurry
## bad_image_blurry.4 22523706 ascending_1 57.92866 bad_image_blurry
## bad_image_blurry.5 22526884 ascending_1 57.92866 bad_image_blurry
## bad_image_blurry.6 22459337 descending_1 43.71157 bad_image_blurry
## station
## bad_image_blurry.1 test
## bad_image_blurry.2 test
## bad_image_blurry.3 test
## bad_image_blurry.4 test
## bad_image_blurry.5 test
## bad_image_blurry.6 test
The wide format looks like
## time_ms conductivity temperature pressure salinity fluor_ref fluorescence_mv
## 1 22454281 3.55600 16.8443 0.707 27.0973 695 87
## 2 22454359 3.55600 16.8444 0.780 27.0973 695 87
## 3 22454433 3.55600 16.8444 0.780 27.0973 695 87
## 4 22454510 3.55602 16.8447 0.857 27.0972 695 87
## 5 22454584 3.55602 16.8447 0.857 27.0972 695 87
## 6 22454659 3.55601 16.8449 0.949 27.0970 695 87
## turbidity_ref turbidity_mv altitude_NA day hour station sigmaT depth
## 1 700 37 0 d222 h03 test 19.49432 0.7012599
## 2 700 37 0 d222 h03 test 19.49430 0.7736670
## 3 700 37 0 d222 h03 test 19.49430 0.7736670
## 4 700 37 0 d222 h03 test 19.49416 0.8500417
## 5 700 37 0 d222 h03 test 19.49416 0.8500417
## 6 700 37 0 d222 h03 test 19.49396 0.9412945
## roi bad_image_blurry bad_image_malfunction bad_image_strobe Calanus
## 1 <NA> 0 0 0 0
## 2 <NA> 0 0 0 0
## 3 <NA> 0 0 0 0
## 4 <NA> 0 0 0 0
## 5 <NA> 0 0 0 0
## 6 <NA> 0 0 0 0
## chaetognaths ctenophores krill marine_snow Other small_copepod stick
## 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## n_roi_total
## 1 0
## 2 0
## 3 0
## 4 0
## 5 0
## 6 0
During data processing and for internal work purposes, .Rdata files
make a great storage option. They are easy to export with
. You can capture the data in a variety of formats
but most relevant might be a data frame or an oce
The advantage of the oce
object is that it contains a
metadata slot which can be useful for preserving self-contained
When considering sharing the data, more accessible and generic formats should be considered. During a review of file format options, researchers at BIO have decided to utilize a combination of .csv files (for data storage) and .json files (for metadata storage). This combination of files has the advantage of maintaining very simple file formats while capturing a wealth of associated metadata. The files are both very portable and easily accessed through a simple text editor, by users who are not data-experts.
Metadata can be stored at a data set level, representing a ‘cruise’ or series of VPR deployments, as well as at an event (station, or cast) level, representing a single VPR deployment. Each level has unique requirements but it should be ensured that the metadata files have a connection (in this example: dataset_ID).
# vpr_metadata_template <- system.file("extdata", "vpr_metadata_template.xlsx",
# package = "vprr")
# metadata_temp_ds <- readxl::read_xlsx(vpr_metadata_template, sheet = 1)
# metadata_temp_st <- readxl::read_xlsx(vpr_metadata_template, sheet = 2)
The recommended format for preserving metadata is JSON A simple, easy
to read, file with a well documented structure. To generate a json file
from R is very straightforward and can be done through
. This function will accept a nested list
object and format it into a JSON string which can then be written to an
external file.
Columns in VPR data outputs (from vprr
) should be
renamed for standardization. This example uses a combination of
DarwinCore (DwC) and British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) P01
vocabularies. Since VPR data contains a unique mix of biological and
oceanographic environmental data, it was necessary to use both
vocabularies to capture the full scope of the data. Data column names,
as well as units and definitions should be included in the metadata
(shown in the example below in the ‘dataAttributes’ field).
metadata <- list("station_level" = list(
"title" = list("en" = "VPR data from the Scotian Shelf",
"fr" = "Données VPR de l'étagère néo-écossaise"),
"dataset_ID" = 1,
"decimalLatitudeStart" = 44.5,
"decimalLongitudeStart" = -64.5,
"decimalLatitudeEnd" = 45.5,
"decimalLongitudeEnd" = -65.5,
"maximumDepthInMeters" = 1000,
"eventDate" = "2019-08-11",
"eventTime" = "00:00:00",
"basisOfRecord" = "MachineObservation",
"associatedMedia" = "",
"identificationReferences" = "Iv3 model v3.3",
"instrument" = list( "opticalSetting" = "S2",
"imageVolume" = 83663),
"resources" = list("data" = list("name" = "vpr123_station25.csv",
"creationDate" = "2023-01-01"),
"metadata" = list("name" = "vpr123_station25-metadata.json",
"creationDate" = "2023-01-01")),
"dataAttributes" = list("eventID" = list(
"dataType" = "chr",
"definition" = "An identifier for the set of information associated with a dwc:Event (something that occurs at a place and time). May be a global unique identifier or an identifier specific to the data set.",
"vocabulary" = "dwc"),
"minimumDepthInMeters" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "The lesser depth of a range of depth below the local",
"vocabulary" = "dwc"),
"maximumDepthInMeters" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "The greater depth of a range of depth below the local",
"vocabulary" = "dwc"),
"DEPHPRST" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Depth (spatial coordinate) of sampling event start relative to water surface in the water body by profiling pressure sensor and conversion to depth using unspecified algorithm",
"vocabulary" = "BODC::P01"),
"individualCount" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "The number of individuals present at the time of the dwc:Occurrence.",
"vocabulary" = "dwc"),
"verbatimIdentification" = list(
"dataType" = "chr",
"definition" = "A string representing the taxonomic identification as it appeared in the original record.",
"vocabulary" = "dwc"),
"SDBIOL01" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body",
"vocabulary" = "BODC::P01"),
"TEMPST01" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Temperature of the water body by CTD or STD",
"vocabulary" = "BODC::P01"),
"PSALST01" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Practical salinity of the water body by CTD and computation using UNESCO 1983 algorithm",
"vocabulary" = "BODC::P01"),
"POTDENS0" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Density (potential) of the water body by computation from salinity and potential temperature using UNESCO algorithm with 0 decibar reference pressure",
"vocabulary" = "BODC::P01"),
"FLUOZZZZ" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Fluorescence of the water body",
"vocabulary" = "BODC::P01"),
"TURBXXXX" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Turbidity of water in the water body",
"vocabulary" = "BODC::P01"),
"sampleSizeValue" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "A numeric value for a measurement of the size (time duration, length, area, or volume) of a sample in a sampling dwc:Event.",
"vocabulary" = "dwc"),
"sampleSizeUnit" = list(
"dataType" = "chr",
"definition" = "The unit of measurement of the size (time duration, length, area, or volume) of a sample in a sampling dwc:Event.",
"vocabulary" = "dwc"),
"scientificName" = list(
"dataType" = "chr",
"definition" = "The full scientific name, with authorship and date information if known. When forming part of a dwc:Identification, this should be the name in lowest level taxonomic rank that can be determined. This term should not contain identification qualifications, which should instead be supplied in the dwc:identificationQualifier term.",
"vocabulary" = "dwc"),
"identifiedBy" = list(
"dataType" = "chr",
"definition" = "A list (concatenated and separated) of names of people, groups, or organisations who assigned the Taxon to the subject.",
"vocabulary" = "dwc"),
"identificationVerificationStatus" = list(
"dataType" = "chr",
"definition" = "A categorical indicator of the extent to which the taxonomic identification has been verified to be correct.",
"vocabulary" = "dwc"),
"depthDifferenceMeters" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Difference between maximumDepthInMeters and minimumDepthInMeters of an individual data bin, in meters",
"vocabulary" = "BIO"),
"minimumTimeSeconds" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "minimum time value in a data bin, measured in seconds from the start of the day of sampling",
"vocabulary" = "BIO"),
"maximumTimeSeconds" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "maximum time value in a data bin, measured in seconds from the start of the day of sampling",
"vocabulary" = "BIO"),
"timeDifferenceSeconds" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Difference between maximumTimeSeconds and minimumTimeSeconds of an individual data bin, in seconds",
"vocabulary" = "BIO"),
"numberOfFrames" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "number of VPR frames captured within an individual data bin",
"vocabulary" = "BIO"),
"timeMilliseconds" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Time measured in milliseconds since the start of the sampling day",
"vocabulary" = "BIO"),
"towyoID" = list(
"dataType" = "chr",
"definition" = "A string identifying the section of the cast to which the data point belongs",
"vocabulary" = "BIO"),
"maximumCastDepthInMeters" = list(
"dataType" = "float",
"definition" = "Maximum depth in Meters of the cast dataset",
"vocabulary" = "BIO")
# new_name = old_name
columnNames = list( "DEPHPRST" = "depth" ,
"verbatimIdentification" = "category",
"eventID" = "station",
"minimumDepthInMeters" = "min_depth",
"maximumDepthInMeters" = "max_depth",
"individualCount" = "n_roi_bin",
"SDBIOL01" = "conc_m3",
"TEMPST01" = "temperature",
"PSALST01" = "salinity",
"POTDENS0" = "density",
"FLUOZZZZ" = "fluorescence",
"TURBXXXX" = "turbidity",
"sampleSizeValue" = "vol_sampled_bin_m3",
"depthDifferenceMeters" = "depth_diff",
"minimumTimeSeconds" = "min_time_s",
"maximumTimeSeconds" = "max_time_s",
"timeDifferenceSeconds" = "time_diff_s",
"numberOfFrames" = "n_frames",
"timeMilliseconds" = "time_ms",
"towyoID" = "towyo",
"maximumCastDepthInMeters" = "max_cast_depth"
# add any new data columns required
# (eg. sampleSizeUnit, scientificName, identifiedBy, identificationVerificationStatus)
sampleSizeUnit <- "cubic metre"
identifiedBy <- "K. Sorochan"
identificationVerificationStatus <- "ValidatedByHuman"
data <- category_conc_n %>%
dplyr::mutate(., identifiedBy = identifiedBy,
sampleSizeUnit = sampleSizeUnit,
identificationVerificationStatus = identificationVerificationStatus)
# Define the mapping between category and scientific name
# scientific names based ecotaxa taxonomic system
scientificName <- list("blurry" = "bad_image_blurry",
"artefact" = c("bad_image_malfunction", "bad_image_strobe"),
"Calanus" = "Calanus")
# Create a new column of data called scientificName based on matches to category
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(., scientificName = case_when(
category %in% scientificName[["blurry"]] ~ "blurry",
category %in% scientificName[["artefact"]] ~ "artefact",
category == scientificName[["Calanus"]] ~ "Calanus",
# vpr_export(data, metadata, columnNames, file = "vpr123_station25")
Here are the outputs from the above example.
# data <- read.csv(system.file(
# "extdata", "vpr123_station25.csv", package = "vprr"))
# head(data)
# metadata <- rjson::fromJSON(file = system.file(
# "extdata", "vpr123_station25-metadata.json", package = "vprr"))
This document has summarized some of the reasoning behind creating and sharing generic, easily accessible versions of VPR data products, as well as some methodology which could be used to produce standardized data and metadata products. Hopefully this will encourage wide spread sharing of VPR data products and help future research aims.
Wilkinson, M., Dumontier, M., Aalbersberg, I. et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci Data 3, 160018 (2016).