Organize VPR images into folders based on classifications provided by visual plankton
threshold = NULL,
org = "dayhour",
cast = NULL,
station = NULL
A file path to your autoid folder where data is stored eg. "C:/data/cruise_X/autoid/"
(optional) provide if ROI data has been moved since autoid files were created (if path strings in aid files do not match where data currently exists), a file path where ROI data is stored (up to "rois" folder)
character string representing numeric day of interest (3 chr)
character string representing hour of interest (2 chr)
(optional) a numeric value, supplied only if you are copying images based on automated classifications, only images below this threshold of confidence will be copied for manual classification. Default is set to NULL.
chr value, if 'station', images will be output in folders labelled by station, if 'dayhour', images will be output in folders labelled by day and hour
(optional) character string, VPR cast number of interest (3 chr), required if org is 'station'
(optional) character string, station name of interest (eg. "Shediac"), required if org is 'station'
organized file directory where VPR images are contained with folders, organized by day, hour and classification, inside your autoid folder
this function uses tidy paths, see fs::path_tidy() for more info